TheRamadhanBaby 12: Forgiveness

Irrespective of our standing before Allah, we all are in need of His forgiveness. We were given freewill but are more inclined to follow our desires and therefore go against the commands of Our Lord. It takes extra effort to do good for oneself and towards others. It’s our nature. Allah, The All-Knowing, long before our existence provided an opportunity for nus to constantly free ourselves from the burden of sin. He tells us many times that He is Oft –Forgiving (Q42:5).He is the Forgiver, Hider of faults and Forgiving. This should be in conjunction with avoiding the major sins (Q42:37).

A believer should never stop seeking forgiveness. Our dear Prophet used to say Istighfar so much that Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) wondered why as he had been forgiven of all his sin. He said to her, “ Would I not be a grateful servant?.
Also, we realize that seeking forgiveness does not make sense if we do not forgive others. We are thus enjoined to do so. (Q7:199, 42:40)

In admitting our shortcomings and going towards Him with sincere remorse and repentance, we acknowledge His power over us and give our souls that freedom they so badly need. We increase our scale of good, open the doors to blessings and abundant provision. Our world today is a one in which sin is glorified and it seems doing the right thing brings little reward. This is more reason for us to ask him to forgive us, our family, friends and the Ummah in general. It is a reminder for us to turn a new leaf and become more pious people.

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